We each know
what we need and who we really are, but life experiences interfere with our ability to live our lives in a satisfying manner. This interference might come in the form of abuse or neglect as a child, or an adult. The experience might be trauma in one of its many forms, whether sexual, physical, emotional, or spiritual. It might be combat or first responder work-related. It could be relationship struggles, with partners, kids, or parents. Maybe it’s sexuality-related, or overuse of substances. And sometimes it’s simply a strong sense of dissatisfaction with our lives, with no particular experiences to account for how we feel.
Therapy helps
us to cope and to develop a stronger sense of possibilities in our lives. We figure out how to make those possibilities a new reality.
Therapy can shift our stuck sense of not having real options. New practical coping skills are learned, and then we make sense of what that does for you and your life.
Therapy can last for a few sessions or many more. Sometimes people take a break and return at a later time. Sometimes that is weeks, months or even years later.
Liz believes
we do not function in isolation, so we will look at many things that positively and negatively impact your life. It might be the drug-using neighbour, your harassing boss, your ongoing self-doubt and guilt, or your chronic pain.
It is all part of your experience and so part of the therapy.

- Trauma changes the brain.
- Everything we experience comes in through our senses.
- Let the soul and the body come together to heal.
- We do not function in isolation.
- Positivity and negativity impact your life.
- EMDR addresses thoughts, feeling and body all in one.
- Lots of us don’t have trauma, we have struggles.
- There are no dumb questions in Liz’s sessions.